(by Mr. Kikio Tadano, an evacuee at the Akasaki Fishing Village Center, Ohfunato, Iwate Prefecture)
I had experienced losing my house a long time ago due to a gigantic earthquake in Chile and tsunami afterwards that arrived at the Japanese coastal area across the ocean. I lost my house again by the earthquake a few weeks ago. I can’t find even the roof of my house. I would recognize it if at least the roof was intact. I don’t feel like building a house again for the third time after losing them twice.
from NHK website "Those Affected by the Disaster: What I want to tell you now" on March 25, 2011http://www.nhk.or.jp/dengon/photo/index19.html
The top photo on the site is Mr. Tadano.
When I see these people I feel sad because they lost everything. but they will Rebuild!!!!
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